Wednesday, October 2, 2013

FR 10

This session began at 3:36 pm. Upon entering the operant box, Fi-B was frantic and quick to push the lever for reinforcement. We recorded 23 pushes in 44 seconds. After 5 minutes and 1 second, we recorded 135 pushes. Wow! Although there were a few short periods of sniffing around and grooming, I was very impressed with Fi-B's progress. This training session was rocky at times. She would get frustrated because she would push the bar a good number, but there would not be a food pellet in the hopper. This occurred multiple times because she would occasionally push 6-8 fast times. By the end of the 30 minute training session, Fi-B recorded 587 pushes for 57 reinforcements. Below is the cumulative record from this training session FR10.

(This is the cumulative record for FR 10.)
Around 12 minutes, you can see that Fi-B had a small period of inactivity, but other than that it was a successful training period!

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